OPSC OAS Prelims GS Paper 1 and 2 Answer Key 2018 - ALL ABOUT UPSC CIVIL SERVICE EXAM

Friday 7 December 2018

OPSC OAS Prelims GS Paper 1 and 2 Answer Key 2018

  1. The United Nations World Youth Skills Day is observed on :

  2. Which State Government has launchd a smartphone application 'i-Hariyalli' to increase green cover?

  3. Which of the following states in India has maximum number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites?

  4. Who has been honoured with the 2018 Sri Jayadev Rashtriya Yuva Prativa Award?

  5. Which Indian - American Personality has become the first South Asian to be elected in Oregon in the Western USA?

  6. C.V. Rajendran who died recently was associated with :

  7. Kazuo Ishiguro won :

  8. The Chakrashila Wildlife Sanctuary is located in :

  9. Which country has renamed part of South China Sea as the North Natuna Sea?

  10. Which one below is not a Statutory Body?

  11. Which Indian personality has been appointed as Public Policy Fellow at Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars ?

  12. The World Milk Day is observed on :

  13. Where is the Headquarters of United Nations Economic and Social Council?

  14. Which venue is selected for 2024 Olympic Games?

  15. Which Commission under the British rule prepared 'Famine Code" ?

  16. The Session of All Parties Muslim Conference held at Delhi on 31st December, 1928 was presided over by :

  17. During the Rajput period , the expression "vinay-stithi-sthapak" was used in administration for :

  18. Who started the newspaper "Indian Sociologist" abroad?

  19. In which of its Sessions, the Congress declared its policy towards Indian States for the first time?

  20. Who was the author of the book "The Problems of the East"?

  21. Who amongst the following continuously emphasised on giving self-rule to India in 1904, 1905 and 1906?

  22. The editor of the paper "Hindu Patriot" Sri Harishchandra Mukherjee was known to have helped the

    1. ans -b
  23. Which name amongst the following was dropped by Abul Fazl while listining musicians of Akbar's Court?

  24. Which European nation was first in bringing printing press to India?

  25. Who amongst the following established "Diwan-e-amirkothi" during Delhi Sultanate?

  26. In Mughal period , who translated Atharvaveda in Persian Language?

  27. Tebhaga Revolt of 1946 took place in :

  28. Who was elected to the House of Commons to speak for Indian interests in 1890s?

  29. Least cost approach in Industrial location is associated with :

  30. Which one is a primary activity?

  31. Horticulture is widely farmed in :

  32. The line joining points with equal cloud cover is called :

  33. Location of sugar industry in India is moving from North India to South India because of :

  34. Lebensraum was coined by :

  35. The spread of cultural triats from one region to other is called :

  36. One belt one road policy relates to :

  37. The major division of the agricultural regions of the world is associated with :

  38. Which one of the following is incorrect?

  39. Process that shapes the earth's surface is called:

  40. U-shaped valley is formed by :

  41. Mist formed as a result of :

  42. Which river is not a peninsular river?

  43. Which of the following is not the recommendation of Dinesh Goswami Committee on electoral reforms?

  44. Which one of the following subjects is not included in Concurrent List?

  45. Which is not the discretionary power of the President of India?

  46. Which Article of Indian Constitution speaks about official languages Indian Union?

  47. In which year simultaneous elections both for Lok Sabha and all State Legislative Assemblies were not held?

  48. Which among the following States does not come under Second Schedule of Indian Constitution ?

  49. The GST Bill which came into implementaiton from 1st July, 2017 is :

    1. Bill No. 101 and Act No.97
  50. Artcle 21 of Indian Constitution secures :

  51. Which one of the following is not the feature of the National Capital Goods Policy, 2016?

  52. To which States in Indian Union Article 35-A relates?

  53. Which of the following Articles were repeated from Indian Constituion by 'Constitution 26th Amendment Act, 1971'?

  54. "Mission Satyanishtha" is a programme launched by :

  55. "Promotion and development of micro and smal enterprises by supporting them in marketing of products produced and services rendered by them" comes under which policy of Government of India?

  56. _______ is the model developed by Governmenet of India for public service delivery as a part of Citizen Centric Governance.

  57. The number of States covered under the provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 are :

  58. "World Economic Outlook" report is published by :

  59. Which of the following sectors now contributes the largest percentage towards GNP?

  60. OTCEI is :

  61. National Income in India is estimated by :

  62. To lower interest rates, the RBI should :

  63. Gresham's law comes into operation when :

  64. Mixed economy means an economy where :

  65. Absolute Poverty means :

  66. Who wrote the book 'Planned Economy for India'?

  67. Natinalism of banks was done with the purpose of :

  68. The Head quarters of World Trade Organisation is in :

  69. Which of the following is true about the 'Hindu Growth Rate' in India?

  70. What are gilt-edged securities?

  71. One criticism of Rostow's theory of economic growth is that :

  72. Which of the following is ranked among the cleanest cities of India in 2018 ranking by Ministry of Urban Development?

  73. Which of the following in India enlisted in the 'Montreaux Record'

  74. Which among the following is the most abundant Green-House-Gas(GHG) in the earth's atmosphere?

  75. Which one of the following is a useful biological indicator of sulphur dioxide pollution?

  76. The use of microorganism metabolism to remove pollutants such as oil spills in the water bodies is known as :

  77. India's first biofuel-powered flight run from Dehradun to Delhi is :

  78. Which among the following is one of the largest wintering ground for the migratory waterfowl in India?

  79. Which among the following is the unit of measurement of the "Ecological Footprint"?

  80. Anuradha Sawhney is well known for her work in which of the following fields?

  81. Respiratory Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM) are the particles having diameter :

  82. Fire can be controlled by removing :

  83. Food rich in roughage may NOT help :

  84. The human skeleton consists of :

  85. Angiography is used to visualize lurmen of :

  86. Daily consumption of aragon oil helps to prevent:

  87. Sericulutre is a rearing practice of :

  88. Biomagnificaiton refers to an increase in the number/content/quantity of :

  89. Blue-baby syndrome is caused due to the excess of :

  90. Rocket works on the principle of :

  91. Brithtness of the bulb decreases gradually with its period of use because of :

  92. Genetic disorders are :

  93. Where does computer add and compare data?

  94. Full form of ICMR is :

  95. Antioxidants present in food stuffs :

  96. Which of the following is NOT a biodegradable pollutant?

  97. chlorofluorocarbon are widely used in

  98. cement is widely used in the construction of building . It contains

    1. calcium aluminate
    2. calcium sulfoaluminate
  99. which is not the characteristics of an enzyme 

  100. a fuse is a 

    1. OPSC OAS Prelims GS Paper 1 and 2 Answer Key 2018
    2. There are some question whose answer is difficult to find but we are not detect that we hope the final answer is the answer of opsc official answer key 2018
    3. Image result for opsc

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